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Chang-Jae Roh received “The Oxide Electronics Prize for an excellent poster” at iWOE-30

Frédéric Mila received the Charpak-Ritz Prize 2024

Jean-Philippe Brantut received the 2023 Latsis University Prize

Clémentine Thibault received the “Best Presentation award” at the IWOE29

Tejas Singar received the best poster prize at the SNS2022 conference

Fryderyk Lyzwa received the Springer thesis prize

Tilman Esslinger awarded an Honorary Degree from Heriot-Watt University

Aline Ramires received the Nevill F. Mott Prize

Tom van Waas wins SPS best poster award

Fabian von Rohr received the 2022 Werner Prize

Antoine Georges awarded the 2022 Feenberg Memorial Medal

João Ferreira received the Cogito Grant with |Hop>

RefFIT winner of the Venture startup competition

Michael Denner receives SPS General Physics Award

Professor Andrea Caviglia awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant

Ruzicka Prize goes to Prof. Fabian von Rohr

Jose Ferradas – 2021 recipient of the IEEE CSC Graduate Study Fellowship in Applied Superconductivity

Aline Ramires received the UBC Science Early Career Award

Claribel Dominguez obtained a UNIGE Subside tremplin

Philippe Tückmantel received the Springer Theses prize