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The Laboratory of Advanced Technology receives the UNIGE innovation medal

Irene Cucchi presents her thesis … in comics

Carmine Senatore Swiss Delegate to an International Energy Agency’s programme on Superconductors

Lihuan Sun obtained a Subside tremplin

Matteo Alessandrini’s group, Bruker BioSpin and Prof. Carmine Senatore’s group, DQMP awarded financial support by Innosuisse

Karin von Arx has won the 2019 Dectris Prize

Denys Sutter has been awarded a BRIDGE grant and a Venture Kick support

Talk with Claude Monney, Professor, Ultrafast Spectroscopy Group, UniFR

Talk with Markus Müller, Senior scientist, Condensed Matter Theory Group, PSI

Edoardo Martino took part at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Claribel Dominguez obtains the iWOE26 poster prize

Marta Gibert has won the iWOE prize for excellency in research

Masafumi Horio was awarded the High-Temperature Superconductivity Forum young scientist research prize

Antoine Georges received the APS Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics

Irène Cucchi received the Flatlands 2019 poster prize

Nicola Spaldin received the Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist

Talk with Ana Akrap MaNEP Member, Professor at the University of Fribourg

Jennifer Fowlie received the Springer Thesis prize

Talk with Philip Moll MaNEP Member, Professor at EPFL and research group leader at Max Planck Institute

Baptiste Hildebrand received the Chorafas Foundation prize