Nomination of a new department head at Paul Scherrer Institute
Gabriel Aeppli is the new head of the SYN department at PSI and also Professor at ETHZ and EPFL.
Gabriel Aeppli studied electro-engineering at MIT, where he also obtained is PhD thesis. He then spent 15 years as member and later Distinguished Member at the Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, USA. In 1996 he moved to the NEC research institute in Princeton. In 2002 he embarked in a new endeavor with the realization of the London Nanotechnology Center of Imperial and University College. At the same time he was appointed Quain Professor of Physics at the University Colleges London.
Gabriel Aeppli’s research results in the field of strongly correlated materials have attracted world-wide recognition. For his achievements he was awarded the 2005 Oliver Buckley Prize and 2008 Mott Prize.
We wish Gabriel Aeppli, in his new function as head of the SYN department at PSI, full success.
Joël Mesot
PSI Director