Francesco Lonardo received the Best Student Award at the MT-28 conference

Francesco Lonardo, PhD student in the group of Applied Superconductivity, UNIGE, was one of the recipients of the Best Student Award at the 28th International Magnet Technology Conference (MT-28). The work of Francesco on the “Influence of the heat treatment on the layer-JC of internal-Sn Nb3Sn wires with internally oxide nanoparticles” was selected as one of the three best student contributions on accelerator magnet technologies at the MT28 conference.
Francesco’s work has a direct relevance to the Future Circular Collider project at CERN, which is poised to be both a promising application and a formidable challenge for Nb3Sn superconductors. The goal of a 100 TeV proton-proton collider set by the high-energy physics community has led to a baseline configuration requiring dipoles generating 16 T in a 100 km tunnel. This demand imposes performance requirements that exceed the capabilities of commercial Nb3Sn wires currently available. The research of Francesco aims to develop methods to bring the performance of Nb3Sn at its ultimate limit that are also scalable for industrial production.