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MaNEP Network events are to be outstanding scientific forums and offer networking and exchange opportunities for members, students, industry and the general public.
Regular MaNEP events include a biannual workshop to discuss recent advances in the fields of interest to the Network, and regular schools to teach PhD students and postdocs fundamental concepts and recent advances in the field. MaNEP further supports short notice topical meetings and workshops on hot topics in its field of interest as well as events and outreach initiatives to promote public awareness to its research efforts. Support can be applied for by any member by sending a short description and budget of the proposed meeting to the steering committee.

Upcoming events

SWM – Swiss Workshop on Materials with novel electronic properties
The Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties (SWM) is the primary meeting of the MaNEP Network. It has a long tradition, dating back to the 1990s, and has been a key event in building the network. The SWM is organized every other year, gathering the MaNEP Network for 3 to 5 days around scientific talks given by world-renowned international speakers and selected abstracts of MaNEP participants. Poster sessions, tutorials for students and special presentations and booths by industrial partners and exhibitors complete the programme.

Winter School
Schools are not only the place to learn and deepen scientific knowledge, it is also a unique opportunity to build and expand the scientific network. Since 2004, MaNEP is running a biannual school programme in Saas-Fee. The school aims at a broad introduction to contemporary topics in condensed matter physics and targets an audience at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. A background in general condensed matter physics should be sufficient. All lectures are given in English.