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Selected publications – April to December 2018

Quantitative correlation between the void morphology of niobium-tin wires and their irreversible critical current degradation upon mechanical loading
C. Barth, B. Seeber, A. Rack, C. Calzolaio, Y. Zhai, D. Matera, and C. Senatore

A mixed anion hydroborate/carba-hydroborate as a room temperature Na-ion
M. Brighi, F. Murgia, Z. Lodziana, P. Schouwink, A. Wolczyk and R. Cerny

Influence of ferroelectric order on the surface electronic structure of BaTiO3 films studied by photoemission spectroscopy
S. Muff, N. Pilet, M. Fanciulli, A. P. Weber, C. Wessler, Z. Ristić, Z. Wang, N. C. Plumb, M. Radović and J. H. Dil
Spin-Resolved Electronic Response to the Phase Transition in MoTe2
A. P. Weber, P. Rüßmann, N. Xu, S. Muff, M. Fanciulli, A. Magrez, P. Bugnon, H. Berger, N. C. Plumb, M. Shi, S. Blügel, P. Mavropoulos and J. H. Dil
Operando imaging of all-electric spin texture manipulation in ferroelectric and multiferroic Rashba semiconductors
J. Krempasky, S. Muff, J. Minar , N. Pilet, M. Fanciulli, A.P. Weber, E.B. Guedes, M. Caputo, E. Mueller, V.V. Volobuiev, M. Gmitra, C.A.F. Vaz, V. Scagnoli, G. Springholz and J. H. Dil

A spin–orbit playground: surfaces and interfaces of transition metal oxides
S. Gariglio, A. D. Caviglia, J-M. Triscone and M. Gabay

Local Real-Space View of the Achiral 1T−TiSe2 2×2×2 Charge Density Wave
B. Hildebrand, T. Jaouen, M.-L. Mottas, G. Monney, C. Barreteau, E. Giannini, D. R. Bowler, and P. Aebi

Two-Dimensional Topological Superconductivity with Antiferromagnetic Insulators
J.L. Lado and M. Sigrist

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of an Air Sensitive Dichalcogenide Through an Encapsulating Layer
J. Martinez-Castro, D. Mauro, Á. Pásztor, I. Gutiérrez-Lezama, A. Scarfato, A. F. Morpurgo, and C. Renner

Design of magnetic spirals in layered perovskites: Extending the stability range far beyond room temperature
T. Shang, E. Canévet, M. Morin, D. Sheptyakov, M. T. Fernández-Díaz, E. Pomjakushina and M. Medarde

A family of finite-temperature electronic phase transitions in graphene multilayers
Y. Nam, D-K. Ki, D. Soler-Delgado and A. F. Morpurgo

Electrically Tunable Gauge Fields in Tiny-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
A.Ramires and J. L. Lado

Synthesis and crystal structure of solvent-free dodecahydro closo-dodecaborate of nickel, NiB12H12
Y. Sadikin, E. Didelot, Z. Lodziana and R. Cerny

Higher-order topology in bismuth
F. Schindler, Z. Wang, M. G. Vergniory, A. M. Cook, A. Murani, S. Sengupta, A. Yu. Kasumov, R. Deblock, S. Jeon, I. Drozdov, H. Bouchiat, S. Guéron, A. Yazdani, B. A. Bernevig and T. Neupert

K-space imaging of anisotropic 2D electron gas in GaN/GaAlN high-electron-mobility transistor heterostructures
L. L. Lev, I. O. Maiboroda, M.-A. Husanu, E. S. Grichuk, N. K. Chumakov, I. S. Ezubchenko, I. A. Chernych, X. Wang, B. Tobler, T. Schmitt, M. L. Zanaveskin, V. G. Valeyev and V. N. Strocov
Orbital Ordering of the Mobile and Localized Electrons at Oxygen-Deficient LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces
A. Chikina, F. Lechermann, M-A. Husanu, M. Caputo, C. Cancellieri, X. Wang, T. Schmitt, M. Radovic, and V. N. Strocov
Three-dimensional Fermi surface of 2H-NbSe2: Implications for the mechanism of charge density waves
F. Weber, R. Hott, R. Heid, L. L. Lev, M. Caputo, T. Schmitt, and V. N. Strocov

Topological quantum phase transition in the Ising-like antiferromagnetic spin chain BaCo2V2O8
Q. Faure, S. Takayoshi, S. Petit, V. Simonet, S. Raymond, L.-P. Regnault, M. Boehm, J. S. White, M. Månsson, C. Rüegg, P. Lejay, B. Canals, T. Lorenz, S. C. Furuya, T.Giamarchi and B. Grenier

Giant Pressure Dependence and Dimensionality Switching in a Metal-Organic Quantum Antiferromagnet
B. Wehinger, C. Fiolka, A. Lanza, R. Scatena, M. Kubus, A. Grockowiak, W. A. Coniglio, D. Graf, M. Skoulatos, J.-H. Chen, J. Gukelberger, N. Casati, O. Zaharko, P. Macchi, K. W. Krämer, S. Tozer, C. Mudry, B. Normand, and Ch. Rüegg
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