Topical meeting on Topological Quantum Phenomena: a successful event
By Johan Chang, Hugo Dil and Titus Neupert
More than 50 physicists, from all over Switzerland, joined the topical MaNEP meeting on topological quantum phenomena, at the University of Zurich on November 21-22, 2016. The meeting – held over two days at the Irchel campus of the University of Zurich – brought together experimentalists and theorists, including PhD students, Postdocs and professors, to discuss recent advances in the field of topological materials. Several talks focused on the novel topological semimetals that have been discovered recently as well as on various forms of spin liquids. Inspirational talks were followed by lively discussions between speakers and the audience. In a similar fashion, the poster session generated many interactions between the participants. Warm thanks to all the speakers, poster contributors and participants for making this a successful event.
Andrei Bernevig, Princeton University
Ivan Protopopov, Uni Geneva
Ana Akrap, Uni Geneva
Tomas Bzdusek, ETH Zurich
Sarah Etter, ETH Zurich
Jelena Klinovaja, Uni Basel
Yang Lin, EPFL
Frederic Mila, EPFL
Alberto Morpurgo, Uni Geneva
Christopher Mudry, PSI Villigen
Markus Müller, PSI Villigen
Henrik Ronnow, EPFL
Christian Rüegg, PSI Villigen
Ming Shi, PSI Villigen
Anna Tamai, Uni Geneva
Maryam Teherinejad, ETH Zurich
Oleg Yazyev, EPFL