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SWM 2018 -A key event for the Swiss quantum matter community

More than 150 physicists and material scientists joined the 12th edition of SWM in Les Diablerets showing that this meeting continues to be a key event for the Swiss quantum matter community.

The workshop, held over 3 days in August 2018, showed a strong interest in core areas of MaNEP and took up several emerging new topics including antiferromagnetic spintronics, topological aspects of quantum matter and 2D van der Waals materials. Inspirational talks by talented students and international leaders and two well attended poster sessions stimulated lively discussions triggering new ideas and collaborations. Warm thanks to all the speakers, poster presenters participants and sponsors for contributing to the success of SWM.

Invited speakers:

Kamran Behnia (ESPCI Paris)
Eva Benckiser (MPA Stuttgart)
Manuel Bibes (CNRS / Thales Paris)
Andrea Cavalleri (MPI Hamburg)
David Cobden (University of Washington, Seattle)
Josep Fontcuberta (ICMAB Barcelona)
Antoine Georges (Simons Foundation, New York)
Vincent Jacques (Université de Montpellier & CNRS)
Thomas Jungwirth (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Alex Kruchkov (Harvard)
Philipp Moll (MPI Dresden)
Lucile Savary (ENS Lyon & CNRS)
Virginie Simonet (Institut Néel, CNRS Grenoble)
Bernhard Urbaszek (CNRS INSA Toulouse)


Peiffer Vacuum
SPECS Zurich

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