6th MaNEP Winter School
18-23 January 2015 in Saas-Fee, Switzerland
Shedding light on correlated electrons
The school aims at a broad introduction to topics of current interest in condensed-matter physics. This year, a special focus is devoted to spectroscopies of materials with strong electron correlations, especially time-resolved techniques. Three long lectures will provide an introduction to these materials and their electronic structure, to the fundamental aspects of optics and non-linear optics in solids, and to superconductivity and topological superconductors. Five shorter lectures will cover: neutron scattering, recent advances on cuprate superconductors using photoemission and resonant spectroscopies, introductions to time-resolved spectroscopies and to the theory of non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly-correlated systems.
Annica Black-Schaffer (Uppsala University)
Roberto Merlin (University of Michigan)
George Sawatzky (University of British Columbia)
Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zürich)
Johan Chang (EPF Lausanne)
Steven Johnson (ETH Zürich)
Christian Rüegg (PSI and University of Geneva)
Philipp Werner (University of Fribourg)
The audience targeted is at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. A background in general condensed-matter physics should be sufficient. All courses are given in English.
We invite you to register online on the school web page. The deadline for registrations is October 31, 2014. The PhD students from the CUSO member institutions register free of charge.