Advancing superconductor technology for high-field applications: current state and emerging trends

Prof. Carmine Senatore, UNIGE was invited to give a plenary lecture entitled “Advancing Superconductor Technology for High-Field Applications: Current State and Emerging Trends” at the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference, ICEC29-ICMC 2024.
The conference, hosted by CERN, took place in the Geneva’s International Centre for Conferences from July 22 to 26, 2024 and gathered more than 500 delegates, promoting a strong interaction between academic and industrial communities. The technical program featured a very large spectrum of presentations in the domains of cryogenics, cryogenic materials and their strongly expanding applications world-wide.
Prof. Senatore’s presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in superconductor technology for high-field applications, with a focus on both Low Temperature Superconductors like Nb3Sn and the emerging role of High Temperature Superconductors, such as REBCO, in cutting-edge scientific projects, including CERN’s Future Circular Collider and ultra-high magnetic field applications.