Magnetic skyrmions descend on the 2019 Annual Meeting of SPS and ÖPG in Zurich
The exciting programme of this year’s joint annual meeting of SPS and ÖPG included a focus session on ‘Skyrmions in Magnetic Materials’ for the first time. The inclusion of the session heralds the rapidly developing Swiss-wide, interdisciplinary research effort into these topologically nontrivial magnetic structures, which moreover involves many members of MaNEP.
The well-attended focus session reported on cutting-edge developments and emerging topics in both experiment and theory. Three renowned international experts in the field – Xuizhen Yu from RIKEN Japan, Peter Hatton from Durham University UK, and Stefan Blügel from Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany – gave invited talks, with Swiss researchers giving four further high-quality contributed talks. Warm thanks to all speakers, attendees and related poster presenters for contributing to this highly stimulating occasion. The generous sponsorship of both MaNEP and the SNF Sinergia project 171003 ‘NanoSkyrmionics’ is also gratefully acknowledged.
Jonathan White, PSI