me start by warmly congratulating Antoine Georges who will be decorated
as “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur”. Bravo Antoine for all your
achievements ! I would also like to congratulate Marta Gibert and Ana
Akrap from UNIGE who have been awarded a SNSF professorship. I wish both
a successful continuation of their scientific careers.
events are coming up in the MaNEP Network in the next months. A limited
number of MaNEP internships are again available for students this
summer; get the word out fast to your students and send us their
application ! Also, don’t miss the Laboratory of Advanced Technology’s
invitation on June 20 to discover a breakthrough in TOF-SIMS, a real
revolution in high resolution chemical analysis. The LTA is working
towards the acquisition of this equipment that will benefit researchers
and companies alike. I hope to meet many of you during the SPS meeting
in August, with topical sessions organized by MaNEP members. In
September, Geneva will host two major events for our community, the
annual meeting of crystallography and EUCAS 2017, both organized by
members of the MaNEP Network. In addition to an outstanding research
program, EUCAS also proposes a rich outreach program with a special
presentation by Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN, on September
19. Save the date !
may have noticed the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is
introducing new rules in various funding schemes. The SNSF remains one
of the most effective and research oriented funding agency. However,
while some changes strengthen the support for science, other
modifications are questionable. Members of MaNEP have pointed them out
to the SNSF, in particular issues related to additional data required on
grant applications and reporting, and the newly introduced data
management plan. I strongly encourage you all to voice concerns you may
have, such that the SNSF remains the fantastic funding resource it is
remain at a high level and I thank our colleagues for sharing their
highlights with us. The next MaNEP Forum meeting will take place during
the SPS conference in Geneva, and I am looking forward to meet many of
our full members on that occasion.
In the meantime, I wish you all a splendid summer !
Christoph Renner