Network aims at federating all scientists in our field of interest in
Switzerland and abroad, i.e. physics of novel quantum materials and
devices. Therefore it’s my pleasure to encourage all scientists active
in research institutions and industries to join the Network, register
and participate at the eleventh MaNEP Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties
organized this summer in Les Diablerets. During this key event, you
will not only meet outstanding invited international and national
speakers but also enjoy valuable exchange and networking opportunities.
You still have a few days to register, don’t miss it !
Once again this year, MaNEP is offering 3rd and 4th year master students one month internships in Physics.
It is a unique opportunity to work in a member research group. For this
edition, a full stipend will be granted to students who move to another
institution for their internship than the one where they study and 50%
will be allocated to students who make the internship in their home
institution. This year, the Network is pleased to offer for the first
time selected internships available at CERN in material science and
applied superconductivity. Many thanks to Luca Bottura and CERN for this
you will see, a large number of excellent papers bear witness to the
developments and scientific progress in the network. Two selected papers
are featured in this newsletter and I warmly thank their authors for
their written contributions.
Note that the next MaNEP Winter School will take place from January 8 to 13, 2017 on Quantum Materials at the Nanoscale. Save the date !
next Forum meeting – the governing body of our association – will take
place during the MaNEP 2016 workshop in Les Diablerets. I am looking
forward to meeting all of you in Les Diablerets this summer for
stimulating scientific and networking discussions.
Christoph Renner